
美国廉政研究专家Andrew Wedeman 即将来中心讲学

[日期:2007-05-25] 来源:湖南大学政治与公共管理学院  作者: [字体: ]
 3月30日,应中心之邀,美国廉政研究专家、Nebrasca大学林肯分校政治学系副教授、亚洲研究中心主任Andrew Wedeman 即将来中心访问,并做题为Can we measure the rate of corruption?的学术报告。




Associate Professor, Chair Asian Studies

Department of Political Science
511 Oldfather Hall
Lincoln, NE 68588-0328
(402)472-2369 (office)
(402)472-2343 (dept.)
(402)472-8192 (fax)

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1994.
Fields: Comparative Politics, Corruption, Chinese Politics

He is the author of From Mao to Market: Local Protectionism, Rent-Seeking, and the Marketization of China, 1984-1992 and The East Wind Subsides: Chinese Foreign Policy and the Origins of the Cultural Revolution, plus a variety of articles on the political economy of corruption, both in China and elsewhere, as well as articles on central-provincial relations in China. He is currently writing a book (Double Paradox: Corruption and Development in Post-Mao China. His recent publications include articles in the Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Studies in Comparative International Development, Journal of Contemporary China, China Quarterly, The Journal of Developing Areas, and China Review, as well as several chapters in E. Terrence Gomez, ed.,Political Business in Asia and Woosang Kim, ed., Collective Security and Multilateralism in Post-Cold War East Asia. In 1997 and 2001 Andrew Wedeman was awarded Certificates of Recognition for Contributions to Students by the Parents Association and the Teaching Council of the University of Nebraska. During 2001-2, he spent a year as a visiting Fulbright Researcher at Taiwan National University.

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