
Paul Heywood

[日期:2010-05-31] 来源:  作者: [字体: ]





Professor Paul M. Heywood, MA, MSc(Econ), PhD, FRSA

 Born: Liverpool, UK (27 March 1958)


Academic Qualifications

MA(Hons) Politics (Class I: Summa cum Laude) University of Edinburgh, 1981

MSc(Econ) Political Sociology London School of Economics and Political Science, 1982

PhD (Government Department) London School of Economics and Political Science, 1988


Positions Held

2003  07: Dean of the Graduate School, University of Nottingham

1995  present: Sir Francis Hill Professor of European Politics, University of Nottingham

2000: Visiting Scholar, Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Madrid)

1992-95: Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Glasgow

1989-91: Lecturer in Politics, University of Glasgow

1989-92: Consultant author on Spain for Economist Intelligence Unit, London

1987-89: Lecturer in Politics, Queen Mary College, University of London

1999-2003: co-editor, South European Society and Politics

2003-09: co-editor, Government & Opposition

2001-05: Member of Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Research Grants Board

since 2002: Elected Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts 


Major Research Awards

2004: 100,000 from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)/Joint Information

Systems Committe (JISC) for a project on ‘Resource Discovery for Researchers in E-Social Science’ (jointly with Professor T Rodden)

1997-99: 80,870 from the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) for ‘The Core Executive and the Policy Process in Spain’

1992-94: 168,064 from the ESRC (jointly with Professors W.L. Miller and S.L. White) for ‘Public Opinion and Democratic Consolidation in Russia and East-Central Europe’.

1989-91: 58,870 from the ESRC (jointly  with Professor P. Preston) for ‘Military Modernisation in Spain: Attitudes, Organisation and Industrial Production’.

1986-87: Vicente Canada Blanch Research Fellowship, University of London

1982-86: SSRC awards for MSc and PhD


Main Publications

Marxism and the Failure of Organised Socialism in Spain, 1879-1936 (Cambridge: University Press, 1990) vi + 265pp ISBN 0 521 37492 8 Spain's Next Five Years: A Political Risk Analysis (London: Economist Intelligence Unit, 1991) vi + 76pp ISBN 0 85058 539 2 Spain and the European Dimension: The Integrated Market, Convergence and Beyond, (Strathclyde Papers on Government and Politics 94, 1993) ISSN 0264-1496 West European Communist Parties After the Revolutions of 1989 [ed. with Bull, M.J.]  (London: Macmillan & NY: St. Martin’s, 1994) xxv + 233pp ISBN 0 312 12268 3 The Government and Politics of Spain (London: Macmillan, 1995) xx + 331pp ISBN 0 333 52057 2

(hb); 0 333 52058 0 (pb)

Developments in West European Politics [ed. with Rhodes, M. and Wright, V.] (London: Macmillan, 1997) xiii + 363pp ISBN 0 333 65127 8 (hb); 0 333 65128 6 (pb) Political Corruption [ed.] (Oxford: Blackwell, 1997) ii + 250pp ISBN 0 631 20610 8 [also published as Political Studies  special issue 45:3 (1997)] Values and Political Change in Post-Communist Europe [with Miller, W.L. and White, S.L.] (London: Macmillan & NY: St Martin’s Press, 1998) xxii + 460pp ISBN 0 333 64283  Politics and Policy in Democratic Spain [ed.] (London: Frank Cass, 1999) 239pp ISBN 0 7146 4910 4 Developments in West European Politics 2 [ed. with Jones, E and Rhodes, M.] (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002) xviii+334pp ISBN 0-333-92868-7 (hb); 0-333-92869-5 (pb) Spain and the European Union [with Carlos Closa] (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004) ISBN 0 333 75338 (hb); 0 333 75339 9 (pb)

Developments in European Politics [ed. With Jones, E, Rhodes, M and Sedelmeier, U] (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006) ISBN 0 230 00040 1 (hb); 0 230 00041 X (pb) + over sixty articles and chapters in refereed journals and edited collections


Research Interests

Comparative politics, with particular reference to southern Europe (especially Spain).  Key research themes include: political corruption, state capacity and the core executive, transitions to democracy and institutional design.


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